Start With The First Step

“The longest journey begins with the first step.” An airplane burns more fuel during take-off than at 30,000 feet in the air. The energy needed to move a body at rest into motion is always more than necessary to maintain that body in motion. The first two weeks at the...

Goals Need Posts

Every time little Johnny kicked a ball, he announced that he had scored a goal. That is because there were never any goal posts. We know better. Goals have to be futuristic, specific, identifiable, measurable, time-sensitive and rewarding. We increase our chances of...

Create by Example

“Children live what they learn”. Sub-consciously, in our early development, we are heavily influenced by those persons in our lives to whom we attach significant importance. A baby born to Chinese parents will speak perfect Spanish and no Mandarin if adopted at birth...

Cause Your Effect

The fundamental laws on which this universe is built include “cause and effect”. Every effect has a cause and every action has a consequential reaction. Ultimately, the enquiring mind must ask, “What caused the first effect when it was still a cause?”  At this point,...

Begin Where You Are

“Begin where you are” may sound profound, but only because so many people try to begin where they are not. Memories sometimes play tricks on us, and we imagine that we are today what we used to be. On the other hand, optimism and ambition can cause us to imagine what...